Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My he's STILL got the whole world in his hands-Part 3

* So I have NO idea what the titles of the songs played this week were- so I am not going to do any music.*


  • Psalms 33;22

  • Romans 8;20

In Andy's conclusion to Hes STILL got the whole world in his hands-He opens with the question:

"How do you maintain hope, in a hopelessly broken world"?

Nothing is secure in this world. Hope is defined by Andy as

"A Person or thing by which your expectations are centered. He gives examples such as:

  • Ability

  • Looks

  • a job/company

Webster defines hope as:

Inflected Form(s):
hoped; hop·ing
Middle English, from Old English hopian; akin to Middle High German hoffen to hope
before 12th century
intransitive verb1: to cherish a desire with anticipation 2archaic : trusttransitive verb1: to desire with expectation of obtainment2: to expect with confidence : trust

The only time we think about hope is when we feel hopeless. I've never really thought about it that way, but its an interesting point.

Hope is like a ladder. When we are born, we naturally prop our ladder on our parents. Later in life, it becomes something to support our dreams. The Bible instructs us to place our hope in God. in Romans 8, Paul explains where our hope should be, why it is important to put our trust in God. We need to do this because everything in the world decays, or dies. When sin was brought into the world, it infiltrated the entire universe. It is a disease that is toxic and fatal. to EVERYONE. No one can escape sin. Andy used Mother Teresa as an example. She was one of the most wholly people on earth, and she couldn't escape death. Andy says that when you re frustrated, it is a result of sin. We tend to lean our ladder on the wrong things(money, our Jobs, "stuff") because we feel we can beat the odds.

Andy then says that

as God becomes the center of hope-then that is where hope does not disappoint.  If we want to put our hope in something secure, then we need to put our hope in God, because if God is for us, then WHO can be against us!?

He then concludes the series by saying

"What we put our hope in(the love of God) determines how we maintain hope, in a hopelessly broken world

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My He's STILL got the whole world in his hands-Part 2

  • Romans 8:28
  • Philippians 4:4-7
Music Selections:
  • Everlasting God-By Chris Tomlin*
  • Glory to God-By Steve Fee*
  • Lead me to the cross-Hilsong
*Performed by Todd Fields

God tends to get our attention in Uncertain times.  Andy opened by saying that
"during uncertain times people are more likely to pray.  when life spins out of control we tend to go straight to God"
 He used the example of a plane about to crash.  That people automatically turn to God and start praying even if they've never prayed a day in their life-they would start to pray.  
Then Andy raised the question-
"What do we do while we wait for the uncertain times to pass?
Well we could spend the time necessary to focus on Gods love for us, and that he will take care of us all.

He later said that
kindness is a result of our circumstances.
 Meaning when we HAVE money to give-we give.  When we don't we tend to not give, or give less.

What do we do in Uncertain times?  Pray, Pray, and when you think you've prayed enough-pray more!

" But in every situation-by prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, present(or reveal) your situation to God"  

You prey until peace comes.  Be it a day, a month, a year, 20 years!  Definitely easier said then done there eh?  
"Take your prayer a step further" Andy says "Prey at the level of insecurity and fear.  Reveal something to Go you've NEVER revealed before"
  • Here's what I want God
  1. I need you to ________
  • Here's why I want it God
  1. I'm afraid that if you don't________
Reveal your deepest feelings/thoughts/HOPES to God.  The main point this week was that prayer is the way to go.  Prayer is the gateway to God, and a relationship with him.  

Monday, March 2, 2009

My He's STILL got the whole world in his hands-Part 1

*This series actually began 2 weeks ago from the post date, sorry.    That being said, part one and part two will be posted in the same week.   Part two will likely go up tomorrow, after I have been able to re watch it, and take notes.  

Now all that being said, I was not in attendance for part one, so this blog is purely from watching it once online, and there are no music selections listed.  If anyone that was there would post the music in a comment I will edit.  Thanks-MD*

  • Mark 14: 17-24, 27-29 
  • Romans 8:28

Andy started a new series this week.  The Blog title is the title of the series.  Like I stated in the notes, I was not at this sermon, so that may be why I feel I did not get as much out of it, a past sermons.

The basic principal of this series is that-even in these hard times of life, with the economy the way it is.  God is still in charge.  He is still watching over us all.  He still has our best intentions, and lives planned out the way he intended.  God knows whats going on, but not to worry, because even in these rough times, "He STILL has the whole world in his hands.  

Andy explains that the bible was written at a time of uncertainty, and that even in those uncertainties God was still there.  He was there with  Moses, he was there with Jesus.  He was there with David, he was there with Daniel.

Andy posed the question:
Can you continue to trust God when there is no evidence of him working in your life?
 What a great question this is!  I wish my answer was yes, but like most of those who are honest with God, and themselves-Its not. Not to say that I don't always trust God when there's no sign of him listening.  I like to think I am doing it now, but the question is-how much longer will I.  

Something to think about.  

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Balanced-Part 6

I am over a week late in this blogs update.  For those of you that frequent it-especially that bot that said she loves my blog.  I am so sorry.  Without further ado, here is "My thoughts" on Balanced-Part 6.  

  • Malichi 3;7
  • Matthew 6;24, 28-33
  • Mark 12;43
Music Selections:
  • Unknown
  • Blessed be your name-Tree 63
  • Be my everything-unknown
*All songs led by Kristin Stanfill
Andy began the final part of "Balanced" by telling us all that the main question he got from the entire series was "what did Sandra where to the Obama prayer service.  He told us it was a $300 suit from Dillard's.

He then brought out a list of the "5 things we(Humans) do with our money.
  1. Spend it-which was for-ME
  2. Repay Debt-Again-ME
  3. Pay Taxes-AMERICA
  4. Save-Again-ME
  5. Give-God/Others

He says
"the way we prioritize our money represents an open or closed door to God.  This is the "Closed door"
the open to come soon.  Even though we put God last in this scenario we still ask for help when things go wrong.  

Andy says that more times then not the moment we surrender our money to God, we will in fact have more money.  Now I am not sure if I believe this exactly, or what it even means exactly, but I figured I would give it a shot.  So far so good.  I'll let you know in a month or so if this continues to be the case.  The Idea of giving is not about having our money.  It is about having our hearts.  When God has our heart ahead of our money-he helps us .

Therefore, Andy says, Flip the list:
  1. Give
  2. Save- and these-
  3. taxes
  4. debt-go down, thus giving us more to 
  5. Spend.
Interesting thought.  Makes sense.  Why not try it.  try to get God involved in our financial lives we  should "Give" "Save" "live" and do this all in a percentage. God is not impressed with $$$.

My small group discussed that it is better to give a % as opposed to an amount because that we were are able to see our giving go up, instead of staying the same.  

Andy closed by saying
"if we seek God first in the area of our finances-then everything else in life will fall into place."
 It should be interesting over the next few months to see if this ends up being the case.  I hope so.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Balanced-Part 5

*Note* If you can help me by filling any of the "unknown" song titles, please leave the song, and artist in a comment, and I will update. Thanks. Also a new addition to the weekly blog will be the scripture the sermon references.-MD


  • 1 Timothy 6; 6-9

Music Selections:

  • Unknown

  • Glory to God-By Steve Fee

  • It is Well with my Soul(thanks Charity)

*All songs lead by Todd Fields

You gotta be knowin' where your money is goin'"-Andy

Part 5 of Balanced discusses SPENDING. We all do it. most of the time on stuff we don't need. My akilies heel....Cherry Coke. I don't NEED it, yet I insist on always having one.

Andy says

"The one thing that gives us the most trouble with our
our discontentment-or DISSATISFACTION with what We DONT have, and that our
AWARENESS that we don't have this fuels the

A perfect example in my life is a personal relationship with Jesus. When I didn't know it was ATTAINABLE, I didn't strive for it. Now that I DO, I am striving for it, and the fact that I don't have it kills me. This of course is a GOOD example. Andy used the example of the boring ole TV, with the huge thing sticking out of the back. Everyone was perfectly content with those until the flat screens came along. Same with Laptops, Cars, Etc. He said back in the day-they only REPLACED stuff, like when it broke. Nowadays we UPGRADE. We have a perfectly good working one, but we insist on having the cooler more RECENT version. Some people I know do this with their IPhones ::::Clears throat:::: Andy told a very funny story about his father-in-law and a chainsaw!!

Andy said

"we have an appetite for stuff, money, houses, cars, etc. and while
the appetite may be filled for a while-like food, you get hungry again, and your
upgrade, is just filling your appetite" and the only way to shrink it, is to
fast or deprive it. Which is hard, because culture tells us to "feed" it
or always upgrade".

Andy then reads from the scripture. The scripture states that we must flee from discontentment, not be more careful. Andy compared it to getting into a cage with a Lion. "you don't do it and be careful, you avoid it all together"

He also says

that becoming less aware of somethings(the new flat screen TV
everyone has)
it opens you up to become more aware of something
else(understanding the scripture)

Andy then told a great story about his wife and the prayer ceremony for Obama, about how they told him to dress according to his tradition, and everyone laughed, because they knew this meant Blue jeans. He then goes to tell about how his wife had such a tough time finding something to wear and when she finally did find something, and thought about what she could do with the money instead of spending it on the dress, that she could give it to those less fortunate.

Andy finished this weeks sermon by asking us to think of these questions:

  1. What fuels your discontentment?

  2. What can you do to become less aware?

  3. What can you do this week to become more aware of what others don't have?

*Great Gain=Godliness + contentment*

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Balanced part 4

Music selections:

  • (Unknown)
  • Hands of the Healer-Eddie Kirkland

*All songs lead by Eddie Kirkland

In "Balanced' part 4, Andy discusses the aspects of "extra money" He states that we all have it-even if we think otherwise. He references extra money to

"having that extra large cup of coffee from Starbucks" or "if you went to a movie this weekend"
( i guess he never heard of gift cards) or even if you have a cell phone, or a car-you have EXTRA money. He also states that we aren't aware of how much extra we have until we are around the less fortunate. I never really thought about this in this aspect. Compared to city's in Guatemala or 3rd world countries-I have a TON extra. Fresh drinking water, food, a roof over my head. Basically all of us that live in the US, have extra. We don't realize this though because our culture is so set on what we don't have(i.e. 12 cars, a mansion in the country) that we don't even realize how rich we truly are!

What we do with our extra money is a reflection of what is in our heart. If we SAVE SAVE SAVE we are looking towards the future for ourselves. If we GIVE GIVE GIVE we are looking to the future of those less fortunate. he said

"what you do is a reflection of who you belong to, and is a reflection of whats
in your heart. its a reflection of your relationship with God".
it is believed in our culture that if you have more stuff-then God has blessed you, but if you don't it means your faith is bad. Interesting thought there.....

Everything that we have, or We have is because God allowed us to have it. Andy says its probably in our best interest to serve him, with what he gives us. If you GIVE to a charity, or the less fortunate, it is something that can not be taken away from you. even after you die. Andy made the point that when you die, its going to go to someone else anyway-you might as well give it to someone who needs it.

"Being rich towards others is being rich towards God"
Andy says. Giving to others is doing the job God intended for you here on this earth.

Then at the very end of the sermon-Andy challenged us to keep track of how much we GIVE in a year, that the % will be astounding to you. He then challenges us to pick a pre determined % and give it to a charity/church/ones less fortunate every month. I have taken him up on this challenge. While yes, I do not have the most money in the world-I am going to start tithing. Giving to the church every week. No matter how small. Like I said in my other blog-a wise woman told me recently to

"GIVE as much as my faith allows"
I really took that to heart, and started so on Sunday. I gave a few dollars to the church. She and others say "as my Faith grows-so will my tithing" we shall see. I have also decided to give 10% of income to the Livestrong foundation. Plus I will get one of those cool little bracelets everyone is ranting about!! :-)

Stay tuned for next week!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Sermon Thoughts Begining.

So this is a new weekly blog to go along with the one I have already. I will post my thoughts on the NP Community church sermon from the week. sometimes it will be on Sunday afternoon, sometimes it will be late in the week. but most of the time it will be on the monday fallowing. The layout will be as fallows:
  • A visual of the current series(if avalible)
  • Songs from the week
  • a Brief overview, and my thoughts from the weeks sermon.
  • The title will be "My __________' with the ______ being the name of the series, and the part. (i.e. this weeks title will be: "My Balance-part 4") The first "thoughts/Recap" will most likely be posted tomorow.

I hope that this will be a blog people may turn to if they:

  1. Missed the weeks sermon, and just want an overview(as oposed to watching the whole thing online)
  2. Just want another persons perspective, and/or thoughts on the current sermon.
